Tdm = Toggle demigod mode (infinite health, limited ammunition, need to reload, able to carry unlimited items) Tgm = toggle god mode note: a 1 after tgm is not required! Movetoqt = Instantly teleports you to the quest spot or next optional quest spot.Ĭoc = Force fast travel to town/area, note not all towns/areas have the same name for I.D. Tfow = Toggle fog of war on local map (If you played ANY warcraft game, you know what FOG is)ĮnablePlayerControls = Enables player controls (when disabled by cutscenes)ĭisable = Removes the selected object from the game (used for removing glitched/bugged objects, or for the sierra madre beeper things mwhahaha!)Įnable = Used for enabling previously disabled objects. Tp = Toggle view of projectiles and spawns (never really used this one)
Sucsm = Set free cam movement speed example: sucsm 46 (free cam speed is now 46) Sgtm = Set time speed, normal: 1 half speed: 0.5
Tfc = Toggle free camera, best to do in 3rd person